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Qurbani from AUD 50

Qurbani (or Udiyah in Arabic) is the sacrifice of an animal on Eid-ul-Adha and honours the tradition of the Prophet Ibrahim (alaihis salaam) who was prepared to sacrifice his son, Ismail (a.s.), for Allah. Barring a few exceptions, every sane, able, adult Muslim is required to perform Qurbani, so every year our team carry out Qurbanis on your behalf and distribute the meat to the poorest and most vulnerable.

Sharing with the Ummah

As well as honouring the Sunnah of Ibrahim (a.s.), Qurbani is also a means of looking after the vulnerable and disadvantaged at the time of Eid-ul-Adha. Due to the relative lack of poverty in the West, many people prefer to have their Qurbani performed where the need is greater, so the most vulnerable in the Ummah – such as widows, orphans, the elderly and refugees – can share in the blessings of these days.

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Pay Qurbani In Time

Qurbani must be carried out on the three days of Eid-ul-Adha - which is expected in 2024 to start on or around June 16th - so when you book Qurbani with us our teams across the world buy the necessary animals in advance and arrange for their sacrifice, in accordance with Shariah, at the prescribed time before distributing the meat to those most in need. It’s essential that you book your Qurbani in advance to ensure we can fulfil your obligation.


What happened last year.

In 2023, we delivered Qurbani meat to more than 196,066 beneficiaries in 12 countries in need worldwide.

196,066 Beneficiaries
30,281 Meat Packs
3424 Rice Packs

Important information

The final deadline of when donors can donate their Qurbani by is: For all countries (except Tanzania & Pakistan) the deadline would be night before Eid. Tanzania & Pakistan – we can do it up to the morning of Eid.

A$ 50
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